Revelationism or Apocalypticism. It is faith in the revelation of God. Apokalupsis
[Apocalypsis] is the Greek word for “revelation”.
Biblical or Scriptural Revelationism. It is faith in the revelation of God in the Scriptures.
Full [Scriptural] Revelationism. It is faith in the full/complete revelation of God in
the Scriptures, particularly the revelation of the mystery to apostle Paul and
the fulfilment of all prophecy. That’s why it is full revelationism. All the
prophecies are already fulfilled. No more prophecy to be fulfilled. All
mysteries are revealed. So they are no more mysteries but revelation.
What is the difference between Full Revelationism and Dispensationalism?
There is a big difference. Dispensationalism believes that the mystery and mysteries are revealed, especially through the apostle Paul, but denies that all prophecies are fulfilled. Dispensationalists are still futurists, believing in the future fulfillment of Biblical prophecies. Full revelationists believe both prophecies and mysteries are ended and now are all fulfilled and revealed.
Full revelationists may be categorized by others as dispensationalists for emphasizing the complete revelation of the mystery through the apostle Paul, but they are not because full revelationists don’t believe in the word “dispensation” as an age or a period of time, but rather as “stewardship”. They believe in the “dispensation of God” given to the apostle Paul, based on the “grace of God”. And this dispensation is the “fellowship of the mystery”. Full revelationists don’t believe in the seven dispensations of dispensationalism. And they don’t believe in future fulfilment of prophecies. They believe that all prophecies were fulfilled in Christ and by Christ in the past.
Full revelationists consider the progressive revelation of truths in the Scriptures, from the Old Testament to the Apostle Paul’s writings. The words of God are progressively revealed and become clearer and clearer as time goes by. And when the last epistle was written [that is by apostle Paul] all those revelations are completed and the words of God are purified. Full revelationists acknowledge that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God “for” our profit, but only the last epistles of Paul contain the “purified truths” for our obedience during this age.
What is the difference between Full Revelationism and Preterism?
There is a big difference. Preterism [full preterism] believes that all prophecies were already fulfilled in “the past” but denies the full revelation of the words of God and believing in continuous operation of the spiritual gifts and the obedience to the ordinances of water baptism and Lord’s Supper. [There are other preterists who are also cessationists]. That is why Full revelationists are not preterists. Full revelationists are cessationists and do not practice water baptism and Lord’s supper. Full revelationists believe that all the spiritual gifts in the New Testament have ceased. The Full revelation of the Scriptures replaced all these gifts. Full revelationists may be categorized by others as preterists but only in the sense that they believe that all prophecies are fulfilled. But full revelationists are not just believers of fulfilled prophecies but of the completed revelation of God. The word “preterist” cannot be synonymous to “full revelationist” because full revelationism is not just about the past but about “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Preterism that comes from the Latin word praeter for “past” doesn’t represent “full revelationism”. Preterists [especially the A.D. 70 preterists] contend that all prophecies were fulfilled in the past but fail to realize the “full revelation” of God’s words for our “present” and “future”. Full revelationists also recognize both the “literal” grammatical interpretation and the “metaphorical” allegorical interpretation and are not hyper-literalists and hyper-allegorists. Many preterists fail in this matter and make almost everything in the Bible as an “allegory” because they cannot explain how things were fulfilled if it is in a literal way. Also futurists and dispensationalists fail in this matter also and make almost everything as “literal” and contend that all things should be fulfilled literally or physically, therefore believe that those things cannot happen in the past but in the future. Full revelationists believe that “all prophecies” were fulfilled. Some are fulfilled “allegorically” and some are “literally”. For example, the prophecy of 2 Peter 3 was fulfilled literally when Jerusalem and the temple were burned down and destroyed in 70 A.D. The “heavens”, the “elements”, the “earth” and the “works” of Jerusalem and the temple were all “dissolved” (2 Pet. 3:10,11). Allegorically also, they were fulfilled for the “heavens” represent “the temple”, the “elements” the law of Moses, the “earth” the people and the “works” the carnal ordinances of the law (Heb. 9:10). In other words, Judaism was literally and allegorically destroyed. This destruction of the temple was just a “physical” expression of what already happened years ago when Christ died, was buried and rose again. The “new heaven and the new earth” were already created even before 70 A.D.
Some so-called “preterists” teach that “the
resurrection is past already” (2 Tim. 2:18) and share with the error of
Hymenaeus and Philetus. But other preterists and the full revelationists teach
rather that the resurrection and eternal life are present and do not confine
only to the previous age. Because Jesus Christ said “I am the resurrection, and
the life” (John 11:25) and he is “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day,
and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). Jesus Christ is “the true God, and eternal life” (1
Jn. 5:20). He remains and lives for ever as the “quickening spirit” (1 Cor.
15:25). Those in Christ shall all be made alive (1 Cor. 15:22). Other
preterists teach that resurrection is only a “spiritual” resurrection and not a
“physical” resurrection. But both resurrections “spiritual” and “physical” are
“present” realities and not just past events. Those in Christ are quickened in
Christ [regenerated] and receive “eternal life” [immortality] in Christ. They
have the building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens
[i.e. immortal, spiritual body] (1 Cor. 15:1-2). It is not a future event but a
present possession of the saints. So when they die physically, they just put
off the “mortal body” and continue to live with the “immortal body” for ever. A
man cannot live in heaven as a naked “spirit” but a spirit clothed with
“spiritual body”.
Full revelationists believe that Christ
appeared to his people in the past many times. Before his incarnation Christ
appeared to people in the Old Testament. Then he appeared again when he was
made flesh to all men (Titus 2:11; 3:4) and dwelt among men and died for men.
Then he appeared the second time (Heb. 9:28) in 70 A.D. But that’s not the end
of his appearing. He appeared, is appearing and is going to appear to and with
everyone (1 Cor. 15:23) of his saints (Col. 3:4). His appearing and his kingdom
(2 Tim. 4:1) for “full revelationists” are not just “past” or “future” events
but “present” realities. That’s why full revelationists are not preterists or
What is the difference between Full
revelationists and other revelationists?
Other revelationists believe in the revelation of God,
depending on what “God” they believe than the God of the Bible. These
revelationists may be Christians or from world religions. These revelationists
believe in the continuous revelation of their God and not the
Scriptural God.
Scriptural revelationists believe in the revelation of
God written in the Holy Scriptures. But some Scriptural revelationists believe
that God revealed his will not only through the Scriptures but also through
nature, spiritual gifts and other means.
Full revelationists are Scriptural
revelationists who believe that God revealed his words in the past through
prophets and apostles that he sent to his saints and they were all written down
in the 66 books of Scriptures and after that doesn’t reveal outside of
Scriptures. Full revelationists believe that all Spiritual gifts in Romans 12,
1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 all fulfilled their purposes and ceased. And
the completed written revelation is what perfects and furnishes believers
today. Full revelationists believe that Christ “in whom are hid all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3) continues to “reveal”
insights, wisdom, and “witty inventions” (Prov. 8:12) to his saints based only
on the written words of God and not the extra-biblical revelations and visions.
These insights are found through a diligent “study” of the word “rightly
divided” (2 Tim. 2:15). Apostle Paul calls this as “the spirit of wisdom and
revelation in the knowledge of him” and also “the [full] knowledge of the
truth”. All truths were written down. And we have to discover those truths in
the written words of God by diligently studying the Scriptures.
Full Revelationists share with preterism in believing
that all prophecy is fulfilled and in dispensationalism in believing that all
mystery is revealed through the apostle Paul, but goes beyond those two schools
of theology, for the fulfilment and the revelation are JESUS CHRIST himself and
not the events or history. Full revelationists believe in the continuous
“revelation” of the written revelation of Scriptures but not through the
spiritual gifts but through God himself speaking through the Scriptures.
Full revelationists believe that God continues to intervene in human affairs
and is present with men through the Scriptures. In other words, even though
full revelationists are cessationists, they believe that only the gifts ceased
[for they were temporary in nature] but not God himself which is eternal. Full
revelationists believe that during this age “the world without end” (Eph. 3:21)
God manifests “the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us
through Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:7).
Where in the Scriptures can we find the words “Full revelationism”? We cannot find these words, the same thing with dispensationalism, that we cannot find the word “dipensationalism” in the Scriptures but we can find the “root words”. The root word of dispensationalism is “dispensation” that is found 4 times in the Bible. The root word of revelationism is the word “revelation” that is found 10 times in the Bible; the word “revelations” that is found 2 times in the Bible; the word “reveal” that is found 7 times in the Bible; the word “revealeth” that is found 6 times in the Bible; the word “revealed” that is found 38 times in the Bible; the word “revealer” once. So the total is 64 times.
The word “full” is based on the word “complete” which is found 3 times in the Bible; the word “fulfil” 24 times; the word “fulfilled” 82 times; “fulfilling” 3 times; the word “full” 260 times; the word “fullness” 25 times.
The word “FULL REVELATIONISM” came from these words above. It simply wants to communicate the “full”, “complete” and “fulfilled” revelations of God.
The apostle Paul expressed this to the Colossians:
Colossians 1:
“25 Whereof I am made a minister,
according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, TO FULFIL
26 Even the mystery which hath been hid
from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:
27 To whom God would make known what is
the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in
you, the hope of glory:
28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and
teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in
Christ Jesus:
Full revelationism is communicating “THE FULFILLED WORD
OF GOD”. Apostle Paul, God’s apostle, teacher and preacher to the
Gentiles was the one who “fulfilled [completed] the word of God” when he wrote
his last epistle to the church. He was not the one who fulfilled prophecies,
but it was Jesus Christ himself who fulfilled all prophecies. But it was to
Paul to whom the mystery was revealed by Jesus Christ and he completed the
written words of God by writing his last epistle to the church containing the
revelation of the mystery.
Full revelationism is communicating
1. the “full” words of God, “THE HOLY SCRIPTURES”, the inspired, complete,
all-sufficient, inerrant, authoritative, accurately preserved 66 books;
2. the “full” GOD, “CHRIST
IN ALL” in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;
3. the “full” name of the Godhead, “THE LORD JESUS CHRIST”, the Great I AM, the name
above every name;
4. the “full” state of the saints in Christ as “COMPLETE IN HIM”, chosen, called, regenerated,
justified, washed, forgiven, saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost baptized,
circumcised without hands, quickened, empowered, preserved, eternally secured,
reserved for eternity with Christ;
5. the “full” church or body of Christ, “THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE MYSTERY-REVEALED” composed of all
men without distinction;
6. the “full” office of the minister, “THE OFFICE OF A BISHOP” that does all the work of
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers [that ceased in the first
7. the “full” grace of God for “ALL MEN”, God’s plan of salvation, redemption, edification
eternity for all men, based on the full revelation of his grace and love.
Full revelationism is a view that presents the GOD of the Holy Scriptures as an eternal all-sufficient GOD, in whom we live and move and have our being. He is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. He revealed himself to Abraham as Almighty God or Al Sadi [All-sufficient God] and to Moses as “I AM THAT I AM” [Eie asher eie (Exo. 3:14) or JEhoVAh [JEVE not YHWH or Yahweh] (Exo. 6:3). When he was made flesh, he revealed himself by his complete redemptive name “JESUS CHRIST” [Jesuo e Masih] “Jesus Messias”, the name above every name (Phil. 2:9,10). In other words, this ONE GOD manifested himself in Scriptures as the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matt. 28:19). The name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost is JESUS CHRIST, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9).
It believes in the all-sufficient Holy Scriptures, composed of the 66 books. The complete revelation of God to men.
It believes in the all-sufficient work of Christ on the cross, when he shed his blood as atonement for men’s sins, when he was buried and rose again. The gospel of salvation is the power of God unto salvation. Men are saved by simply receiving this truth and trusting in Jesus Christ alone as the all-sufficient Saviour unto eternal life. All who believe in Christ yesterday, today and for ever receive eternal life.
It believes in the principle of “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15) as a method of knowing and discerning what part of the Bible was written “to” us and “”for” us and what are not “to” us and “for” us. It means that the Bible must be divided rightly between what was “to” Israel in the past and what is “to” and “for” us in the present age. All Scripture is “for” us but not all are “to” us. Dispensationalists call this division as “prophecy” and “mystery” division, but full revelationists call this as “mystery” and “revelation” division and “prophecy” and “fulfilment” division.
Dispensationalists believe that prophecy fulfilment is postponed today during “the dispensation of grace” and shall be resumed in the future after the so-called “rapture” of the body of Christ. Full revelationists see it differently. They believe that all the prophecies were fulfilled in the past since Jesus Christ was made flesh until his second-time appearing in 70 A.D. That section from Old Testament until 70 A.D. was “to” Israel. All prophecies about Israel were fulfilled. That’s why after that, no more prophecies to be fulfilled. For full revelationists, there is no such thing as “postponement” theory. What is “to” us then? Dispensationalists believe that the epistles of Paul [13 epistles, others 14] were written “to” us. They call this age as a “parenthesis” between prophecy in the past and prophecy in the future. But full revelationists see it differently. They don’t call this age as a parenthesis but it is “the world without end” (Eph. 3:21). This world without end is not a “prophecy” age for all prophecies were already fulfilled. This world without end is not even called a “mystery” age for all mysteries were revealed already. But this age is called the age of “REVELATION”. We are now in the age when we have the full “revelation” of God’s will. Tis not talking about the book of revelation which was fulfilled in the past. This revelation is the revelation of the mystery to the apostle Paul to whom was given the dispensation of God, to fulfill the word of God. Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles [nations]. He had a two-fold ministry. During the Acts period he was ministering to Gentiles who were actually “Israelites”. His letters to Thessalonians, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians and Hebrews were actually letters to “fellow” Israelites who became believers of Jesus Christ. His post-Acts ministry was not to Israelite-gentiles but to “all men” Gentiles (Eph. 3:9). His letters to Timothy, Titus, Philippians, Ephesians, Philemon and Colossians were his last letters and the last books of the Bible that were written. These epistles were written “to” non-Israelite Gentiles like us. These epistles are “to” us. In these epistles the body of Christ today finds its doctrine, its walk and its destiny. All Scripture are “for” us but only Paul’s last 7 epistles are “to” us. This is also the stand of Acts 28 dispensationalism but they cannot be “full revelationists” because they still believe in the “postponement” theory and the future fulfillment of prophecies.
It believes in “the fellowship of the mystery” (Eph.
3:9). The mystery was already revealed, so it is no more mystery but a
“REVELATION”. Therefore, this fellowship of the mystery is now called
“Fellowship of the Revelation”. This fellowship is “the church by Jesus Christ
throughout all ages, world without end” (Eph. 3:21) or simply “the church in
the world without end”.
Jesus Christ founded his church on his resurrection day. This church had ordinances, water baptism and Lord’s Supper. This church had “spiritual” gifts for edification. This church had an incomplete revelation. The Bible was not yet completed during their time. This church was primarily consisted of Israelites [Jews first and then next Greeks, Gentiles]. This church was an Israelite-church that’s why it was called “the flock of God” (Ac. 20:28).
But after Acts, when the gospel was given to non-Israelites [all men], this church was transformed from prophecy to revelation. The spiritual gifts ceased when Paul wrote his last epistle, so there remained no more apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. What we have today are bishops and deacons (Phil. 1:1). Water baptism was no more practiced because baptism was only given to Israel (Jn. 1:31; Ac. 13:24). The Lord’s Supper was no more observed because it was given only to be observed till Christ comes, but the “church in the world without end” doesn’t wait for Christ because he didn’t leave them. He is present with them. This church was no more an Israelite-church for its identity is not Abraham, Moses or any Old Testament patriarch but Christ himself who is all and in all (Col. 3:11). So this church is no more called “the flock of God”. The Acts church waited for Christ’s coming in 70 A.D. and they were “caught up” in the clouds by Christ. There is only “One Church” and “One Body” but all the believers, Israelites [Acts church] and all men [post-acts church] are part of it. Now, the Acts church is no more on earth but in heaven. What remains is the post-acts church or the church in the world without end. The church in the world without end does not end. It is the eternal church of God as long the earth stands. This church looks for blessed hope and the glorious appearing of Christ. It is not a one-time event but it is the experience of every saint when they die. They appear with Christ in the superheavens (Eph. 4:10) with immortal body.
Jesus Christ founded his church on his resurrection day. This church had ordinances, water baptism and Lord’s Supper. This church had “spiritual” gifts for edification. This church had an incomplete revelation. The Bible was not yet completed during their time. This church was primarily consisted of Israelites [Jews first and then next Greeks, Gentiles]. This church was an Israelite-church that’s why it was called “the flock of God” (Ac. 20:28).
But after Acts, when the gospel was given to non-Israelites [all men], this church was transformed from prophecy to revelation. The spiritual gifts ceased when Paul wrote his last epistle, so there remained no more apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. What we have today are bishops and deacons (Phil. 1:1). Water baptism was no more practiced because baptism was only given to Israel (Jn. 1:31; Ac. 13:24). The Lord’s Supper was no more observed because it was given only to be observed till Christ comes, but the “church in the world without end” doesn’t wait for Christ because he didn’t leave them. He is present with them. This church was no more an Israelite-church for its identity is not Abraham, Moses or any Old Testament patriarch but Christ himself who is all and in all (Col. 3:11). So this church is no more called “the flock of God”. The Acts church waited for Christ’s coming in 70 A.D. and they were “caught up” in the clouds by Christ. There is only “One Church” and “One Body” but all the believers, Israelites [Acts church] and all men [post-acts church] are part of it. Now, the Acts church is no more on earth but in heaven. What remains is the post-acts church or the church in the world without end. The church in the world without end does not end. It is the eternal church of God as long the earth stands. This church looks for blessed hope and the glorious appearing of Christ. It is not a one-time event but it is the experience of every saint when they die. They appear with Christ in the superheavens (Eph. 4:10) with immortal body.
Full revelationism is a Scripturally rightly-divided view of theology. It honors Christ the source of revelation and realizes his indwelling presence through his words. It emphasizes the fulfilled prophecies and revealed mysteries. All fulfilled. All revealed. Therefore it is called “FULL REVELATIONISM”.
Pleroma Revelation Bible Ministry
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